Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pattern maker

If you don’t know it already, here is something really useful for you, dear friends : The Patternmaker.
Here is how it works :
1. You upload an image (I suggest you to choose a simple image, in case you are a beginner like me)
2. You can change your settings (optional) : “view/hide advanced settings”. You have the possibility to modify the width, the type of cell, the colors…
3. You choose the stitch : Loom, Bricks, Peyote or Right Angle Weave.
4. Press the button “Create pattern” and…
You have your pattern ! Original and unique !
I usually modify a little the final pattern, by adding or deleting some elements.

If you are searching some ready-made, free, cute and simple patterns, you can find them in the same place.


  1. Thanks so much for this link. I've been Googling peyote stitch patterns without much success, and was a little sketpical as to the turnout of this pattern maker. I've gotta say though, it works brilliantly and will stay forever on my favorites.

  2. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!
