Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Deviantart colection

It's been a long time since my last post on my beady blog.
I think it's time to start beading again, as the kilos of beads are waiting for me, patient and quiet. Poor them...
Do you like to see my small Deviantart collection ?
Look :
(Oh, and… I promise, I promise. A.S.A.P. I will start beading, pinky promise ! I guess, from now on, in will repeat on and on : I have so little time and so many ideas ! )

Chess board by ~Leosbeads on deviantART

Green project by ~Leosbeads on deviantART

Another one by ~Leosbeads on deviantART

Silver and red by ~Leosbeads on deviantART

Detail by ~Leosbeads on deviantART

Spirals by ~Leosbeads on deviantART

Cellini No.1 by ~Leosbeads on deviantART

Black'n'red by ~Leosbeads on deviantART

My first Peyote by ~Leosbeads on deviantART

Nuageux bracelet by ~Leosbeads on deviantART

Kee-Wee Earrings by ~Leosbeads on deviantART

1 comment:

  1. Woooow!!! Dar ai talent nu gluma! Chiar ar fi pacat sa nu te reapuci! MARE pacat! Pe bune! Sunt minunate! Eu nu as avea atata rabdare sa bibilesc margelutele alea. Cred ca as da cu ele de pereti! :D Ma bucur tare mult ca ne-am..intalnit pe campiile internetului. Astept urmatoarele creatii. Cat mai curand! :P
